Western Medical Acupuncture/Dry Needling

Western Medical Acupuncture or Dry Needling (Included in normal osteopathic treatment)

To provide you with a more comprehensive treatment approach, Boris Gaspar also practices western medical acupuncture, which can facilitate quicker and more effective recovery from your injury. He will assess your Osteopathy and acupuncturecondition and through a shared decision-making process, may recommend dry needling.  Western Medical Acupuncture (also known as dry needling) is a method of inserting very small acupuncture needles into points on the body, which helps to promote recovery, provide pain relief and improve wellbeing.

Please note that we do not use the Traditional Chinese Acupuncture approach which follows the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) method of diagnosis and treatment. We use Western Acupuncture or Dry Needleing as a method for releasing tensions in certain areas of the body so as to complement manual therapy technique in the rehabilitation of the patient.  There is no additional cost to having acupuncture treatment and it can be included in your scheduled appointment with Boris Gaspar. If you want to have a full western acupuncture session please inform us before your appointment commences.

If you need more information about Western Medical Acupuncture please visit the official website: (http://www.medical-acupuncture.co.uk/)

More information about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) please click here: http://www.atcm.co.uk)
Osteopathy/Western medical acupuncture/ Dry Needling 40 min – £40-£43


Practice locations


Open: Tuesday 8am-8pm
Friday 8am-4pm

Call 0151 924 7238

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Open: Monday to Saturday
By Appointment only


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Open: Monday to Saturday
By Appointment only

Call: 07707351977

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Boris Gaspar

Boris Gaspar Osteopath in Crosby, Prescot, Runcorn and Chester

Registered Osteopath


Let us start helping you with your musculoskeletal problem now – contact us today
or call 07707351977 for free advice about osteopathic treatments for your ailment.YourOsteopathy serves throughout Liverpool and Merseyside with locations in Crosby,Prescot and Helsby.